7101 Sparr Rd. Gaylord MI 49735

It was finally time to decide on a name for our property and farm business. We did the standard internet search “how to name your farm” and saw all the name idea generators and such. They were helpful as a starting place, but at the end of the day we wanted a name that reflected both our values and place.

Alpine – Gaylord Michigan is “The Alpine Village”, and we are focused on serving our local community in Northern Michigan. We included Alpine in our name to show the link to our local community and our sense of place.

Forest – the farm is heavily wooded with a mix of Maple, Beech, Birch, Aspen, Balsam Fir, Black Cherry, Cedar, Jack Pine, and White Pine. We love walking and playing in our woods. In addition, Andy is very interested in Permaculture and one of more popular Permaculture Patterns is creating Food Forests or Forest Gardens. Andy would like to emulate the work of Mark Shepard’s New Forest Farm from “Restoration Agriculture” in Viola Wisconsin with wide spaced agroforestry in our future cow pasture.

Pigs in the woods.

Farm – We wanted to use farm over homestead or another adjective to show that we intend to make the transition to making a living farming rather than doing this as a hobby.

Our Farm Logo showing the animals we raise or hope to raise, and a tree to show our forest gardening and raising pigs in the woods.

Stop by the farm to see us any time. Just call ahead to make sure we are home. 989-614-5212.

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