7101 Sparr Rd. Gaylord MI 49735

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These are some of the most common questions we get at the market every weekend.  Please let us know if you have a question we didn’t answer by emailing Andy at andrew@alpineforestfarm.com

We are a transitioning organic farm.  We will be seeking certification in 2025 or 2026 depending on how our transition program is going.

We are at 7101 Sparr Rd Gaylord MI 49735.  This is 2.5 miles past the Treetops Ski Resort.  Please see our contact us page for a map.

We try to be at the market every week that we possibly can during the Winter, Spring, and Summer.  We do miss occasionally due to family matters such as sick kids, or an important family event like a wedding.  We take a break from the market in September and October for Cross Country Season which Andy helps coach.

We have a room full of freezers and refrigerators that you can shop from.  They are not the fancy display freezers like the one we have at the market.  We would be happy to help you find what you are looking for.  We would also be happy to show you around the farm while you are at the store.

We are not selling Ebels meat.  The meat we sell is what we raised ourselves on the farm.  In order to sell pork it has to be butchered/processing in a USDA inspected facility.  There are only two such plants in Northern Michigan. 

I’m doing great, how are you?  Please let me know by sending me at email at andrew@alpineforestfarm.com 🙂  

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