7101 Sparr Rd. Gaylord MI 49735

Family Photo 2022 

Our Farming Journey

We are a military family turned farmers.  We moved to Gaylord in 2018 from Seoul Korea where we were stationed while Andy was on the United State Forces Korea staff as an Air Force Major.  Andy was given the opportunity to switch from Active Duty to the Air National Guard and run the Air Force bombing range at Camp Grayling.

Our journey towards regenerative farming started with the whole foods movement.  We attended farmers markets in Boise ID and Seoul Korea as customers and enjoyed the experience.  When we got the opportunity to move to Gaylord we knew we wanted land to homestead on.

After homesteading for two years, we decided to start our commercial farm so we could share the awesome meat and eggs we had been enjoying for ourselves.  So in 2021 after the pandemic showed how fragile the industrial ag system was we took the plunge and registered our farm business and started selling at the Gaylord Farmers Market.

Meet Your Farmers

Andy LaFountain

In addition to being a Farmer, Andy is at full time Lieutenant Colonel in the Michigan Air National Guard.  He likes to do all the building projects on the farm in addition to remodeling the house.  His hobbies include reading, running, and being the Troop Captain for Troops of St. George.  His long term goals include retiring from the Air Force and becoming a full time farmer.

Becca LaFountain

In addition to being the farmer’s wife, Becca is a fulltime homeschooling mom of 6 awesome kiddos.  She likes all the baby animals and cooking delicious family dinners from all the eggs and meat the farm provides.  Her hobbies include reading, sewing, and doing craft projects on her Cricut machine.  She helps teach the Catholic CO-OP at St Thomas in Elmira called Catechisis of the Good Shephard.

Next Generation Farmers

Gwendolyn: Loves horses and nature.  Enjoys spending time reading, writing novels, and taking pictures.  Her favorite farm animals is Penny the dog.

Adelia: Loves horses and cats.  Enjoys spending her time reading, doing crafts, and playing outside.  Her favorite farm animals are the barn kitties.

Edmund: Loves camping and playing sports outside.  Enjoys spending his time exploring the farm, …  His favorite farm animals are the … 

Alasdair (AJ):



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