7101 Sparr Rd. Gaylord MI 49735

What is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Have you ever heard someone at the farmers market talk about a CSA? We throw around the term “CSA” like everyone at the farmers market knows what we are talking about. So what is a CSA? And how does it work? What is it all about? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farming model where […]

Perfect Hardboiled Eggs from Farm Fresh Eggs

Many people have found it difficult to make hard boiled eggs from farm fresh eggs. We are writing to share how we do it at Alpine Forest Farm. The eggs we are using today came from our layers and were collected the previous evening. Directions Fill the stock pot with an inch to two inches […]

Why Alpine Forest Farm

It was finally time to decide on a name for our property and farm business. We did the standard internet search “how to name your farm” and saw all the name idea generators and such. They were helpful as a starting place, but at the end of the day we wanted a name that reflected […]

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